Links for October 24, 2011: Money in politics a feature, not a bug; Immigrants and jobs: don’t hate; Gary Johnson ignored; others….

October 22, 2011
  1. Money in politics: That’s not a bug. That’s a feature. (Aside, the excellent tunage is Hans Zimmer’s Time, from the Inception soundtrack)

  2. A government that can make or break great fortunes invites a bruising and wasteful competition for its favor. It cannot be surprising, then, that those with the most — thus most to lose — assiduously seek favor from the state.

    This is why the often heard Occupy Wall Street demand to get money out of politics will never happen. Politicians will be bought so long as they are for sale.

  3. TV commercial that aired during one of the Republican primary debates turned my stomach. Rather than hiding passively-aggressively behind “numbers” and “levels”, these scared, sad people should be a little more direct. They should look potential immigrants in the eye and say: “You are not welcome here. If you come near our borders, we will release the hounds and they will tear you apart.”

    Immigrants are not just employment black holes that come here to suck up jobs. Immigrants also demand goods and services, so jobs are created to accommodate them. In the end, they cause no net change in unemployment.

  4. Let Ben Powell explain.  Read the rest of this entry »

Links for 2010-02-17: LAPD Harasses Sidewalk Food Vendors, Learn Marx’s Capital via Podcast, others….

February 18, 2010
  1. | Taco Truck Takedown! Why is the LAPD harassing food carts?

    Forty-five days in jail for selling hot dogs? And you thought this was a "free" country…..

  2. LibriVox | Capital Volume 1 by Karl Marx

    The real deal? Das Kapital in a free audiobook podcast.

  3. David | Reading Marx's Capital

    Ooh! A 13-part video podcast on Das Kapital. Can't watch now, but my comments will surely follow! Read the rest of this entry »