Links for April 26, 2010: Illusory Tax Cuts, Tea-Party Distractions, others…

  1. You are hearing a lot nowadays about how, contrary to the bellows of tea-party protesters, Obama has reduced—not raised—taxes for 95% of Americans. This article from January 2009 explains why tea-partiers are not impressed, and why the protests will continue.

  2. A party-line libertarian op-ed from the Cato Insitute via the Wall Street Journal explaining some of the problems with enforcing regulations.  

  3. Vodpod videos no longer available.

    Mark Williams rightly attempts to deflect the focus of the discussion away from the constant allegations of racism and extremism, but at this point, I don’t think he can do that by playing dumb and denying across the board.

  4. The desperate lengths to which some will resort to avoid discussing the issues on their merits.  There must not have been enough racist signs at the event to hone in on, so they found themselves a new distraction.
    (Photo: Anne C. Savage, fair use.)

  5. Guess which sign the Aggressive Progressive felt most impelled to discuss.

    World Socialist Party (US) | On Becoming Rich

    Good news for those of us who are not blinded by envy: Apparently, 68 percent of people born in the bottom 10 percent of society will rise above the bottom 10 percent by adulthood. (?)

  6. People need to understand that, at least from now on, essentially everything they write on facebook is public information. The article should be called “Protect Your Publicity,” not “Protect Your Privacy”. We can protect our privacy very easily by simply declining to make private information public on facebook.

  7. Certainly, Roethlisberger has denied both allegations and no criminal charges have been filed in either case. But…

    I understand that people feel strongly about this issue, but there is a difference between an accusation and a conviction.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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