Links for June 14, 2010: Christopher Hitchens on disagreeing with the Left, Study alleges progressives are poor at basic economics, others….

  1. I would never make a political disagreement the cause of a quarrel with a friend. I think it’s silly to do that. But there is a tendency on the left—and I bet there are people here who know what I’m talking about—to think that if someone in any way disagrees with the left, it must be for the lowest possible reason, and that if you’ve found the lowest possible motive, you’ve found the right one. There’s this whole culture of: no one would leave us or quarrel with us if they weren’t a sellout. It’s actually a very sick mentality, and very widespread, and people who think like that or feel like that can dump me if they want, but that’s almost to as much as to say that they weren’t much of a friend.

    Yes, I know what he’s talking about. Speaking of sell-outs, Christopher Hitchens will be speaking to a sold-out crowd tomorrow, June 15, at the Free Library of Philadelphia.

  2. This study purports to find that self-identified progressives and liberals are less “economically enlightened” as compared to conservatives and Libertarians. I believe the result is essentially correct because every day I read articles from progressives who advocate feel-good policy proposals without examining economic consequences or responding adequately to economic concerns. I regularly comment on this very phenomenon here on this blog. Unfortunately, this study is so biased and flawed that it will not convince anybody.  The condescending title of this article alone will rightfully repel the very people who should receive the message most.  See a rebuttal here and a forum discussion here.

  3. Marginal Revolution | Why do (some) economists support the minimum wage?

    Based on another Daniel Klein study. Some economists explain why they support a minimum wage hike. Many responses involve sending a message of some sort that we care about minimum wage workers. Tell that to the guy’s who lose their jobs…

  4. A wry exoneration of the President over oil spill stoppage and cleanup delays.

  5. Same Story. Some dude chides the American public for wanting to be in control of their lives rather that cede that control to government bureaucrats. I’m half way through it.  Hear also Jeff Riggenbach’s response: The New Libertarian Generation (audio).

  6. Vodpod videos no longer available.

    Get used to broken government promises.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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